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The Honey Bee is on the move!
Here we go!
After six months of reflection, studies and meetings, Éditions La Butineuse is at last launched. As editors, our work consists of constantly searching for budding creative people so that they can flourish and offer you the chance to discover them.
However, we will remain focused. In keeping with our editorial line and our three book series, our first goal is to define three themes that we will deal with, one per book series, and the types of books for each.
It is essential for us to know which themes you would like us to tackle first! This is why we have put this survey online (one minute will be enough for you to fill it in).
We will have defined these themes before the end of the year and will then come back to you to refine the best way to deal with them. The small cells of our beehive will fill up as time goes by, so don’t hesitate to come back and especially to share.
We have many aims and ambitions for our publishing house, but the first one is really to co-design, with a community, the books you expect to read. If you would like to join our reading committee, become an author, reseller or partner, please contact us.
Take part in the editorial adventure of Éditions La Butineuse!