Land and Climate

Insights from the IPCC special report

Patrick Love


Also available in French

A summary of the IPCC’s special report on land management and climate change, published in 2019, with examples to make it practical and intelligible.



A global vision for local applications


A 900-page report summarised in 100


The keys to the IPCC through examples

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This book is an illustrated introduction to the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land, published in 2019, which addresses the issues of desertification, land degradation and food security as well as policy responses to the risks of the climate-land-human system.

The author illustrates the main findings of the report with concrete examples from peer-reviewed studies and publications of international authorities. The aim is to help you understand the issues surrounding land management and climate change. This will enable you to form your own opinion on how serious the situation is and how it is likely to evolve depending on your attitudes and actions.


The author

Patrick Love works with the OECD’s New Approaches to Economic Challenges initiative, after being part of the OECD International Futures Programme. He also collaborates with the Unesco Social and Human Sciences Directorate, and the Eurpean Union’s Covinform project. He is the author or co-author of several books for the OECD Insights series that describe the latest research on important subjects for non-experts, including sustainable development, fisheries, the theory of complex systems, and the financial system.

Table of contents

Note to readers

Chapter One – Land-climate interactions

Chapter Two – Land degradation

Chapter Three – Desertification

Chapter Four – Food security

Chapter Five – Interlinkages between climate, land and food security

Chapter Six – Addressing the risks of climate change

Additional information

Weight 170 g
Dimensions 15,6 × 2 × 23,4 cm
ISBN French print


Number of pages French


ISBN English print


Number of pages English



English, French


Digital, Paper

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